CasaNotizieProtocollo Profile Designer iphysio®: come evitare le impronte convenzionali?

Protocollo Profile Designer iphysio®: come evitare le impronte convenzionali?

By Dr Legros J.M and Michel J.F, senior lecturer.

Presentation of a case published in the Journal of Dentomaxillofacial Science (J Dentomaxillofac Sci) December 2019, Volume 4, Number 3 : 184-187. This document was produced by Pr JF Michel and Dr Legros.

Objective : To present a new technique reducing the clinical steps of impression taking and implant placement. Develop a true anatomical emergence profile with the iphysio® Profile Designer.

Methods : This case presentation shows how to use the new iphysio® concept to shape the gingiva during healing, and how to use this abutment for impression taking prior to final crown placement.

Results : This simplified procedure shows that Profile Designer iphysio® abutments reduce clinical and prosthetic steps in implantology.

Conclusion : In the future, implantology and implant prosthetics will certainly benefit from this technique, improving long-term results for patients.

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