InicioNoticiasEstudio: Reutilización de pilares de cicatrización

Estudio: Reutilización de pilares de cicatrización

An In Vitro Analysis of Sodium Hypochlorite Decontamination for the Reuse of Implant Healing Abutments, Ahmad H. Almehmadi, BDS, DSc - Journal of Oral Implantology (2021) 47 (4): 271-279.

A study, published in August 2021 in the Journal of Oral Implantology, analyzes NaCl decontamination of healing abutments.

The analysis shows that although NaCl decontamination removes all traces of bacteria, deposits remain present in the interstices.

Further study of the composition of these elements is required to determine whether NaCl-decontaminated healing abutments can be reused.

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